KALGOORLIE - 12.8.1972

The WA Pigeon Racing Federation's Young Bird Derby was conducted from Kalgoorlie on Saturday the 12.8.72 an approximate average distance of 345 miles. 97 lofts participated with an entry of 523 birds for prize money totalling $530 plus pools $131.80.

On this occasion the driver/conveyor Mr Boydell was accompanied by the Federation Secretary, Mr L Turley, and Mr Turley has reported in glowing terms on the excellent manner in which Mr Boydell looks after the birds, both in transit, and whilst at the race point awaiting liberation. This is indeed excellent news and for which I feel sure I speak for all local fanciers when I say "Thank you Dick for a job well done."

Saturday morning dawned a lovely fine day, blue skies, with a very light north easterly wind blowing. The birds were liberated at 7.0am and within 5 minutes had cleared Kalgoorlie and were on their long way home. To quote Mr Turley "in ideal conditions."

Meanwhile, at Perth and its surrounding metropolitan area, conditions were conducive to fast flying, the weather being identical as that at the liberation point, however, towards mid-day the north easterly swung around to a strong steady northerly. The weather nevertheless remained fine and sunny with plenty of heat in the sun.

First place went to Mr A Ambrosius, of the Riverton-Victoria Park club, who timed his winning pigeon at 2-02-05pm, a flying time of 7 hours 2 minutes with a velocity of 1413.82 yards per minute. Mr Ambrosius is to be congratulated on his magnificent fly and attributes his win, in no small measure, to the efforts of his wife Marjory and 14 year old son Gregory who are his chief and assistant trainers.

Second place, and the best performance on the day (7 birds homed out of 7 starters) went to that consistent federation prize winner, Arthur Ellis, from the Mt Lawley Club. Arthur, being way up north with the breeze against him, timed at 2-12-40 to take second place with a Blue Chequer Hen PRF.71.890 flying 1390.80 yards per minute.

Third place went to R Newman of the Amalgamated Club. Bob, you will remember, ran second two weeks ago in the Moorine Rock Federation race, not bad eh? 2nd and 3rd in two consecutive federation races. Congratulations Robert, wonderful flying.

This race was the second of a guaranteed $500 prize money. The next from Zanthus, 460 miles, carries a $300 guarantee, as well as the 560 mile Rawlinna race, both of which are scheduled for the next 4-6 weeks. Don't forget these races and support your federation.

Orders through Mr Turley, or myself, are also invited for purchase of Collegian Peas at $10.00 per bag. this is a service which comes to you through the federation and saves the fancier many dollars per bag.

Details down to the prize money pay out are:-

$250   1Mr A AmbrosiusRiverton-Vic Park Club     1413.82 ypm
$1002Mr A EllisMt Lawley Club1390.80
$503Mr R NewmanAmalgamated Club1385.84
$304Mr H HendyFremantle Club1380.51
$205Mr G SullivanStirling Club1379.97
$156Mr B FriendFremantle Club1378.44
$127Mr J MarcianoFremantle Club1378.18
$108Mr B DayAmalgamated Club1377.84
$ 89Mr Matthews & Sons     Stirling Club1377.79
$ 510     Mr G HarveyFremantle Club1376.71


Loft Pool won by A Ambrosius$25.00
Ladies Pool won by R Philpot$ 8.80
1st   $1.00 Pool won by J Marciano$26.00
1st   $0.50 Pool won by J Marciano$21.00
2nd   $0.20 Pool won by J Marciano     $ 9.00
1st   $0.20 Pool won by A Ellis$18.00
2nd   $0.50 Pool won by B Day$11.00
2nd   $1.00 Pool won by B Day$13.00
$15.00 Special PrizeMrs O. Ligertwood     Suburban Club
$15.00 Special PrizeMrs N Wilson             Swan Districts Club

Other placings in order of finishing were:

11     R Philpot1374.69ypm          34     J Burge1332.38
12R Mann1372.80 35J Gadja1330.96
13D Trezise1366.82 36F Thompson1321.20
14R Nesbitt1366.61 37Kent & Wintle1319.26
15A Gray1366.24 38R Anthony1314.61
16A Sampson1365.48 39D Lawler1314.59
17J Swiner1357.53 40N Wilson1299.89
18O Ligertwood1356.30 41T Read1296.58
19J Ligertwood1356.05 42S Marganski1293.72
20G Wadley1355.08 43V Hookham1291.78
21G Andrews1354.30 44K James1275.24
22W Coles1351.43 45L Taylor & Son1265.65
23V Marelich1350.81 46W Statham1253.91
24D Nadebaum1350.45 47R Nicholls1233.53
25R Langdon1349.85 48H Hall1201.61
26N Evans1348.23 49R McCarthy1158.87
27L Abbott & Son     1347.17 50D Cockram & Son     1128.79
28D Burge1346.71 51W Cameron1104.90
29W Hogbin1345.27 52Wheatley & Knight1074.01
30D Blackwell1339.30 53Lawrie & Son1070.76
31H Dennis1335.85 54R Tomich1028.49
32J Goodlet1335.81 55H Lague1025.25
33D Moore1335.03 56R Preedy984.10